Saturday, December 5, 2009

Clueless on Health Reform????

What’s going on in Health Care Reform?

I, like most others unfortunately do not have a complete grasp on all of the initiatives currently taking place in healthcare reform. So hopefully this blog (which is based on a University of Georgia lecture by Dr. Angela Fertig) will provide a little more insight into President Obama’s attempts at adjusting our nation’s healthcare system.

The ultimate goal is to make sure that ALL American citizens will be covered under some policy. So?

What happens if I HAVE INSURANCE?:

- Insurance companies will not be able to deny coverage because of pre-existing conditions. (such as: prior illness, disability, etc.)
- Insurers will not be able to drop or reduce coverage for those who are sick.
- There will be limits on out of pocket spending.
- And, insurance companies will be required to cover preventative services without co-pay.

Ultimately, the idea is that if you are insured and happy you will have MORE protections under your current healthcare plan.

What happens if I DO NOT HAVE INSURANCE? :

- the plan will generate and “Insurance Exchange” where you can choose from group of different plans, by comparing rates. (This is slated to take place in the next 4 years)
- Those who have PRE-EXISTING conditions will be eligible for immediate coverage.


Socialized healthcare refers to government control of all systems related to healthcare. Meaning that all facilities are government owned, and all employees (doctors, nurses, etc.) are government employees.

The “Public Option” that we have heard so much about seeks to generate a choice for those who are insured and uninsured, ultimately making insurance coverage mandatory.

I think that each of us would be fair in making our own decision about whether or not these two (socialized healthcare and the Public Option) are the same.

Do you agree or disagree?

Those in favor argue: that it will increase competition among insurers and drive cost down. Also, that it will make companies more honest.

Those opposed argue: The government’s plan will be cheaper and everyone will run to it causing a “CROWD OUT,” that will eliminate all private plans. Thus, the government will have complete control (socialization).

There has been much discussion about a compromise. Some of these include:

-Opting for a government sponsored plan, and then setting up a non-profit plan that is a co-op run by consumers.
- Allowing the option for a short period and then getting rid of it.

There are several bills in the works to push towards a reform and it will be interesting to see which one’s pass in the upcoming months.

Hopefully this provides some brief insight to the debate on the Public Option and what is being offered!

Signing out!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"Sleepy Holiday"

In lieu of the holiday season, I felt it very appropriate to generate a blog that sheds light on the sense of extreme fatigue that occurs after consuming those Hearty Holiday meals.

Many of you have probably heard of this occurrence referred to as------ “ITIS!” (I hence some chuckles!)

Urban Dictionary defines this term from “THE BOONDOCKS” as: “The drowsy sleepy feeling you get after eating a large meal. Usually big Sunday dinners, Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.”

But on a more serious note, what is the reasoning behind this paralyzing fatigue that stops you dead in your tracks as soon as you leave the kitchen table???
After doing some research I have found that one of the most EXTREME cases of this is due to a disorder called HYPOGLYCEMIA (A disorder which occurs when your blood-glucose levels are low).

How does this happen?

• Your body's sugar (glucose) is used up too quickly
• Glucose is released into the bloodstream too slowly, and
• Too much insulin is released into the bloodstream

So, a quick fix for this is to consume something with sugar in order to raise the blood glucose level.

Most symptoms of hypoglycemia are very severe and are as follows:

• Decreased alertness
• Different size pupils
• Dizziness
• Excessive sweating
• Fainting
• Hallucinations
• Memory loss
• Muscle pain
• Paleness
• Pounding heartbeat (heartbeat sensations)
• Sleeping difficulty


This tired drowsy feeling is actually very normal after eating…. so there is no need to panic if you get a little sleepy after Christmas dinner.

What typically HAPPENS is that that an individual consumes a large amount of carbohydrates---- which causes the production of Tryptophan, a common amino acid. Tryptophan then triggers the release of SEROTONIN (a neurotransmitter) which causes the brain to make a response.

(Aside: Serotonin is also responsible for the regulation of mood, appetite, sleep, muscle contraction, and some cognitive functions including memory and learning.)

Ultimately, the release of SEROTONIN is what makes the body crave a NAP causing FATIGUE or “ITIS.”


-Avoid foods that are high in flour and sugar (fried chicken, cake, etc.)


-Choose foods that wake the brain up such as: vegetables, green salads, lean protein, seeds, fish, chicken and nuts. These do not have such a great effect on your blood-glucose levels---so you remain awake!

Hopefully with these tips you can enjoy unwrapping gifts, being thankful, and celebrating the New Year without leaning over the sofa!

Happy Holidays!!!!

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