Thursday, September 3, 2009

“College made me fat!”---You’re right it did!

So you had the Freshman 15, but since then have acquired the Sophomore 26 plus the Junior 11-- which has brought you to a WHOPPING 52 pounds! Whoa. And even though you traverse campus, attend football games regularly, throw a Frisbee or two, you still get those constant COMPLIMENTS when you go home like: “They sure are feeding you up there, aren’t they baby!?”

Interestingly enough for most students ….college does actually make you FAT. I’m sure we all knew this, because if it weren’t the case then the “Freshman 15” wouldn’t be such a huge phenomena. Actually, the average college freshman gains about 5-9 pounds according to and a study done at WashU, but after about 4 years (5,6, or 7 for some) that average adds up! And you blow up!

So, here are the “most common” (yada, yada- emphasis on the quotes) reasons:

-Lack of exercise
-Eating late at night
-Keeping unhealthy snacks on hand (in the dorm room)
-Eating unhealthy cafeteria food
-Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Notice that these are mostly a result of a sedentary lifestyle? Most people understand that the mechanism to weight gain is a lack of exercise and poor eating habits. But what are some ways, to continue to live normally and dart those pounds?!

GET INVOLVED- (ever notice how people who don’t do anything….yeah…)

PARTY- when you get there, dance like you are auditioning for America’s Best Dance Crew! You’d be surprised how many calories you burn just shaking it.

SLEEP WELL and DRINK in moderation.

A few misconceptions:

Smoking: Smoking does suppress appetite which makes people skinny right? WRONG. It makes you more likely to chill and or get short of breath faster = laziness= FAT.

Cooking “healthy” meals: Look guys just because you have a celery stick or two with your hot wings doesn’t mean you’re healthy. There are unhealthy vegetarians! Try to avoid adding excessive butter and salt when cooking meals.

Read More:


  1. You need to make sure some of these Freshman girls see this so next time at the club they won't be too scared to work off some of that freshman 15 on me!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "just because you have a celery stick or two with your hot wings doesn’t mean you’re healthy"

